1,000,000 BC

In this ancient video Desmond takes on a wooly mammoth!

Mommy's Birthday Weekend

For Sara's birthday we went and spent the weekend at Dillon Beach, north of San Francisco. The little man was very well behaved for the whole time, though he developed a ravenous nocturnal appetite. But when you get to sleep in at such a beautiful beach house it makes up for it. The house was Sara's uncle's mother's house and we were really thankful to get to stay. Many thanks, Miye!

We forgot our camera (bad parents! bad parents!), so all we have to document the weekend is this mobile phone pic. But it was an action-packed weekend! We went to an old lighthouse in Point Reyes, saw two male elephant seals fight for territory, ate some great food including a spicy piece of chocolate lava, hiked in redwoods at Armstrong State Park, took long walks on the beach, and indulged in crazy sticky buns. Good times were had by all.

Happy birthday, mommy!

Big Boy

Can you believe he's 3 months old already?
A favorite toy
Talking to the hedgehog
Catching up on election coverage
Napping with Mom
Don't mock, it's warm

3 Month Checkup

On Thursday, January 10, Desmond had his 3 month checkup. It was pretty uneventful. He did get his polio vaccine, but thankfully it didn't seem to bother him much. His stats:

Birth: 7 lbs. 0 oz.
Oct. 10: 6 lbs. 12 oz.
Oct. 16: 7 lbs. 10 oz.
Oct. 18: 7 lbs. 14 oz.
Nov. 07: 10 lbs. 9 oz.
Dec. 06: 12 lbs. 11 oz.
Jan. 10: 14 lbs. 0 oz.

Birth: 19 3/4 inches
Oct. 18: 21 inches
Nov. 07: 22 3/8 inches
Dec. 06: 23 1/4 inches
Jan. 10: 24 3/4 inches

Head Circumference
Oct. 18: 36.5 cm.
Nov. 07: 38.5 cm.
Dec. 06: 40.5 cm.
Jan. 10: 41.0 cm.

Holiday Photos From the Cabin

Taking a bath in the cabin sink
Happy times in the snowsuit
Talking to Grandma
Napping with Dad

New Year Update

Our posts have been infrequent lately, but all is well in the Desmond universe (Desiverse?). He enjoyed his holiday time getting to see all the family. He got to see his first snow in Tahoe, though we left before the good storms hit - we'll have to go back soon! Now we're basking in the glow of the mommy-daddy-baby time we're getting in before Ron starts his new job Feb. 1. With Ron at home, I get to sleep in most mornings! Ahhhhh.

We left Tahoe thinking that Des was getting sick - he was sounding rather snuffly and seemed to be having a hard time breathing. But once we got back home it seemed to resolve itself. It might have just been the dry Tahoe air. So far, we've been lucky - no major illness. Our friend Amber was telling me about dealing with their son's first cold/flu, which included lots of diarrhea. It sounded stressful and scary - these babies just seem so wee and fragile! Hopefully Des will remain healthy and illness-free until he's 18 or so. A mom can dream, no?

Desmond is certainly growing and changing! He tolerates tummy time more often now, and likes to look at his toys. If you put a toy in front of him he will grab/feel/chew it, and if he's feeling really saucy he will reach for it. We are trying to inspire him to roll over by rolling him over, which often results in some awesome spit-up action. (The other day I was holding him over my head and he spit up in my face. A LOT. Ron thought it was HI-larious.) We've been trying to implement some sort of nighttime sleep routine, but the boy thwarts most of our efforts at any sort of schedule. Bedtime? What's that??

Some evidence of Desmond's Christmas cuteness: