Sorry for the posting negligence - our wireless router decided to route no more. We sent it back to the manufacturer and are awaiting a replacement, meaning the desktop computer has been without an internet connection, leaving me driftless in a low-tech void. (The stupid thing is, we have a laptop that works just fine when connected to an old-fashioned ethernet cable, but I don't
like the laptop. Why? Dunno. Just don't.)
So. Desmond. He's a peach! He's finally sleeping through the night, in his own crib no less. We put him down around 8:30Pm each night and he's out until 7 or 8 in the morning. To accomplish this feat, we did resort to a little cry-it-out action. The first night he cried for 30 minutes, the next night 20, then 10, then 12, then 2. Now he cries for 30 seconds at most, and then - conk - he flips himself onto his belly and falls asleep. Hopefully this delightful phase will last, because we're really enjoying it. Naps are another story, he still only naps on me or in his swing. We're working on it.
We're also more or less on a schedule now. A typical day in the life of Desmond Riley looks something like this:
7:00am wake, nurse, play
8:00am eat solids, play more
9:00am nurse, nap
10:30am wake, go run an errand or play in the park
1:00pm nurse, nap
3:00pm wake, go for a walk in the stroller
5:00pm nurse
5:30pm play with daddy, eat solids
7:00pm bath (not every night)
8:00pm read a book, sing a song, nurse
8:30pm in bed for the night
The big news: Desmond is crawling. He started doing a sort of army crawl a few weeks ago, and today we caught him crawling in a typical baby way: left arm forward, right leg forward, right arm forward, left leg forward, repeat. This is very cute, but I am missing the days when I could just leave him to loll around on a playmat. I'm afraid to go to the bathroom now - if I leave him alone for just a minute, he will invariably be chewing on some sort of electrical cord when I return.
I've got a bunch of cute photos, but they're on the camera and I usually load them onto the desktop but this is the laptop and - can't - be - bothered - sigh. I'll get 'round to it eventually. Promise!
Last but not least, today Desmond is 7 months old. Happy birthday mon petite cupcake!