Road Trip!

Our cross country trip from Houston, TX, to Oakland, CA. Dad got a job in San Francisco, which allowed us to move back to California. Even though we were driving a huge moving van with a car carrier, we decided to make the trip memorable by taking an alternate route, visiting family in Pueblo, Colorado (home of the Consumer Information Catalog!) and Arches National Park in Utah. There were some pretty screamadelic moments when the van was going over Loveland Pass and the traffic would slow down but the big truck wanted to keep on truckin'.

We stayed in Winnemucca, NV in a casino flop pad for the last night between a brief stop at the Bonneville Salt Flats and before we rolled into picturesque Oakland near Lake Merritt. Then mom and dad almost killed each other trying to return the rental van. But after that everything was happy. Really! Almost like a fairy tale.

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