Bad! Bad! Bad!

We've been bad parents. It's been nearly a month since we last posted anything to this blog. This is not fair to you, as you have missed out on some truly fabulous moments in the life of Desmond. But never fear, I shall catch you up! I hereby swear to post for the next 10 days straight, sharing with you exciting moments involving such things as teeth, lakes, camping trips, toilet paper, swings, toothbrushes, boxes, baths, rock climbing, tricycles, solid foods... and so much more! Hang onto your hats, ladies and gentlemen! Away we go!



Beth Ujvary said...

Well its about time. Here I am checking every day and NOTHING....talking about keeping people hanging.

thelifeofdesmondriley said...

I know, I know. Bad mama. I think I had a case of summer fever. I promise to be better from now on.