And So It Begins...

Desmond picks out some CDs to rip

Good taste!

So now that Desmond is mobile--and a very fast crawler at that--his world has opened up, much to our dismay. He loves cords, and no matter how many spots you tack some cords to the wall, he still finds slack to pull and chew on them. He also loves the baseboard heater in the living room. Luckily it's about a million degrees outside so it isn't on, but we don't want him to get used to playing on/with it.

The thing we realized--and was proven during this post--was that we can make it as safe as possible, but he finds ways to bonk his head or escape in a flash. Just now he was playing with my suitcase I used for New York (his new favorite toy) and he stood up, only to fall over and loudly crack his head. That is the scariest sound in the world. Luckily because their memories are only for about 3 seconds, he was over it pretty quickly. I only hope that the bonks don't cause his 3 second memory to stay that way forever!

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